Conversions - commercial & residential

We greatlly increased the function of this 166 SF of space without increasing the property taxes. This patio is now a play room for toddlers
AK's Playroom
Home Office Addition

Both husband and wife set up an office in what had been an open patio. The second story view and natural light are quite nice. It's one upside to the pandemic response.

Warehouse Conversions
New Options Sports- Office Addition
Five low walled, built-in cubicles, a partition wall, and four windows were are added, converting this area from open storage to office space.
Work was performed primarily after hours so as not to disrupt normal working operations.

Baker Orthotics Labs- Workshop expansion
The building had previously been used as a radiology lab, so before the walls could be opened up to expand the workshop, the lead sheets lining them had to be removed. This 16' X 22' area had two tons of lead under the sheetrock, as well as an excess of electrical and other systems plumbed in. The walls marked in red on the plan were removed, the drop ceiling was patched together, two interior windows added, and the old flooring was scraped down to the slab and then the floor was finished out with paint.

Once the lead sheets were removed from the framing, they were rolled up for transport and taken to be recycled.
With the framing cleared of lead, partition walls are removed, windows are added in other walls, electrical is rerouted, and the surfaces are finished out.

The finished result